Check out this gripping new clip titled “Save Me” from the highly anticipated thriller movie “Trap.” Directed by the renowned M. Night Shyamalan, known for his masterful storytelling and unexpected twists, “Trap” promises to keep you on the edge of your seat. The film stars Josh Hartnett, delivering a compelling performance as he navigates the intense and suspenseful plot. Adding to the film’s atmosphere is the hauntingly beautiful music of Saleka, whose compositions perfectly complement the film’s eerie and tense mood. Don’t miss this thrilling sneak peek into what is sure to be one of the most talked-about movies of the year.
Trap Cast:
Josh Hartnett, Saleka Shyamalan, Hayley Mills, Marnie McPhail and Vanessa Smythe
Trap will hit theaters August 2, 2024!