Step into the high-stakes world of the CBS action series “NCIS: Los Angeles” with the official “Rule Breaker” clip. Created by Shane Brennan, this thrilling show stars LL Cool J as the determined and fearless Special Agent Sam Hanna. In the “Rule Breaker” clip, viewers are thrust into a tense and gripping scene where Hanna finds himself pushing the boundaries and bending the rules to get the job done. This powerful moment showcases Hanna’s unwavering commitment to justice, his quick thinking, and his willingness to take risks when the situation demands it. “NCIS: Los Angeles” is renowned for its intricate storylines, complex characters, and relentless action, following an elite NCIS team as they tackle dangerous missions to protect national security. The “Rule Breaker” clip perfectly captures the essence of the series, offering a glimpse into the intense drama, bold decisions, and exceptional performances that have made the show a fan favorite. Don’t miss this exciting preview of the action-packed, adrenaline-fueled world of “NCIS: Los Angeles.”
NCIS: Los Angeles Cast:
LL Cool J, Chris O’Donnell, Daniela Ruah, Peter Cambor, Adam Jamal Craig, Linda Hunt, Eric Christian Olsen, Caleb Castille, Renée Felice Smith, Miguel Ferrer and Nia Long
Stream all episodes of NCIS: Los Angeles now on Paramount+!