Immerse yourself in the lively world of the CBS series “NCIS: Los Angeles” with the official “Give Back” clip. Created by Shane Brennan, this fun and thrilling show features Eric Christian Olsen as the ever-charming and quick-witted Marty Deeks. In the “Give Back” clip, viewers are treated to a playful and dynamic moment where Deeks’ humor shines through even in the midst of a challenging situation. This scene perfectly captures Deeks’ unique blend of sharp instincts and lightheartedness, showcasing why he’s a fan favorite. “NCIS: Los Angeles” is known not just for its high-stakes action but also for its characters’ quirky personalities and memorable interactions. The “Give Back” clip offers a glimpse into the fun, fast-paced world of Deeks and his teammates, making it a must-watch for fans who enjoy the series’ perfect mix of intensity and humor.
NCIS: Los Angeles Cast:
LL Cool J, Chris O’Donnell, Daniela Ruah, Peter Cambor, Adam Jamal Craig, Linda Hunt, Eric Christian Olsen, Caleb Castille, Renée Felice Smith, Miguel Ferrer and Nia Long
Stream all episodes of NCIS: Los Angeles now on Paramount+!