Experience the next chapter of an iconic legacy with the official trailer for Karate Kid: Legends, the highly anticipated martial arts drama directed by Jonathan Entwistle. Jackie Chan and Ralph Macchio return to their legendary roles, bridging generations of Karate Kid fans, while rising star Ben Wang brings fresh energy to the story. Packed with heart, mentorship, and breathtaking action, this film explores the power of perseverance, family, and self-discovery as a new student steps onto the mat, guided by two masters who’ve defined what it means to fight for more than just victory. Get ready for an inspiring journey that celebrates the past while embracing the future—this is Karate Kid like you’ve never seen before.
Karate Kid: Legends Cast:
Jackie Chan, Ralph Macchio, Ben Wang, Joshua Jackson, Sadie Stanley and Ming-Na Wen
Karate Kid: Legends will hit theaters May 30, 2025!
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